Exploring Oven Spares: Restoring You Electric Oven

Is your electric oven showing signs of wear and tear?

Before you consider a costly replacement, let’s explore the array of common electric oven spare parts available at UK Spares.

UK Spares, Exploring Oven Spares

Our commitment to providing top-notch replacement components might be the solution to breathing new life into your oven, all while being budget-friendly and environmentally conscious.

From essential heating elements to precision-regulating thermostats, our selection of spare parts aims to address every need.

1. Heating Elements

Restoring the Core of Your Electric Oven

Oven Heating Elements

Heat is at the core of your oven’s function, and a malfunctioning heating element is terrible news for cooking.

If your oven takes significantly longer to cook or remains cold, you might need to replace your heating elements.

2. Thermostats

Maintain Your Oven Temperature Precisely

Oven Thermostat

The oven thermostat regulates and controls the temperature inside the oven, ensuring the oven maintains the set temperature.

A correctly functioning thermostat contributes to energy efficiency by using only the energy needed to keep the temperature steady.

3. Fan Motors and Blades

Air Flow for an Even Heat Distribution

Oven Fan

The oven fan circulates air around the oven, contributing to an even heat distribution, eliminating hot spots and providing consistent results.

4. Control Knobs

Easily Control Your Oven

Oven Knobs

You can’t control your oven without a control knob! If yours is damaged or needs a refresh, getting a new set of control knobs can improve aesthetics and restore function.

5. Door Glass Panels

Get Clarity on Your Culinary Creativity

Oven Glass Panel

A common replacement part for ovens is the door glass.

Over years of use, the glass can become opaque and even break when removed to clean.

If you’ve dropped your door glass or want to restore your oven’s look and feel, door glass panels are available.

6. Door Assemblies & Hinges

Restoring a Smooth Mechanism or Replacing Your Oven Door!

Oven Door Hinge

7. Seals and Gaskets

Keeping Your Oven Hot and Efficient

Oven Seal

Is heat escaping from your oven in places it shouldn’t be?

You might need to look at replacing any seals or gaskets that have become worn or warped after many years of use.

8. Facias and Stickers

Giving Your Oven a Facelift

Oven Stickers

Sometimes oven facias can get cracked, stickers unstick or yellow over time. 

When refurbishing an old cooker, consider replacing old and worn parts to give your oven a fresh start.

9. Grill pans and Handles

Shelves and Supports, Elevate Your Cooking Platform

Oven Grill Pans

Has the handle on your grill pan become wobbly? Maybe even broken off entirely?

Don’t worry; UK Spares can supply new grill pan handles, grids and universal grill pan kits.

Revive, restore, and cook confidently with your source for quality replacement parts, UK Spares!

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